There are some areas on our bodies that tend to readily accumulate fat, such as the abdomen, & thighs, chin and arms. We can target these troublesome areas for spot fat reduction with non-invasive, pain-free Lipo Laser.

What is Lipo Laser?
Lipo Laser is a non-surgical cold laser procedure that uses low level, laser-based light to reduce the stubborn, subcutaneous fat on targeted areas of your body.
Lipo Laser treatment reduces inches in targeted areas of the body including the Abdomen, Thighs, Arms, Underarms, Chin, Waist, and Back.
Most patients will see circumferential reduction of fat loss in a (2-18) treatment protocol in the abdominal region. Other regions of treatments including Arms, Chins, and Thighs will see fat loss proportionally as well. Each region is treated as a Zone and results may vary depending on the size (BMI) and health of each patient.

How does Lipo Laser work?

During a Lipo Laser session, laser energy painlessly penetrates the skin and focuses on fat (adipose) cells. This energy is in the form of low level laser-based light (635nm-660nm wavelength).
When the light reaches the fat cells, they are stimulated to release their contents (water, triglycerides and free fatty acids), which instantly shrinks the fat cells and reduces inches in the targeted area. The contents of the cells are drained into your lymphatic system where they are later metabolized or eliminated.
The release of contents from fat cells is a completely natural and essential bodily function – it is how we utilize energy reserves for everyday life. However, when we have too many energy stores in our body, it becomes troublesome fat and shows up in undesirable areas. Lipo Laser accelerates the natural process of energy release from fat cells in targeted areas, resulting in a contoured body and loss of inches and cellulite.

Following the Lipo Laser treatment, a whole body vibration platform is used to flush the lymphatic system and collect the fat that has been released from the fat cells. The vibrations stimulate metabolism and increase circulation so that the fat is more readily eliminated.
Once the Lipo Laser treatment has ended, you will be asked to step onto a vibrating platform to enhance the circulation and elimination of the fat cells’ contents from your body.

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What does a Lipo Laser treatment involve?

When you arrive for your session, we will take careful measurements of the areas you wish to target. These measurements will serve as a baseline to track your results. Next, we will ask you to lie down on a comfortable table. Targeted areas will be outlined with a pencil.

Then, paddles from the Lipo Laser machine will be placed and secured on your body, and the machine will be turned on. You will likely not feel anything, but some clients feel a mild sensation. The paddles will be moved around to any additional areas that you wish to target.

The Lipo Laser packages at Skin Body Soul automatically include vibration platform treatment.

What results can I expect with Lipo Laser, and where does the fat go?

After your Lipo Laser treatment, the fat released from the fat cells will drain into your lymphatic system and be metabolized or eliminated through your urinary system.

Most clients see a circumferential reduction after their first session.
For the best results, we recommend at least 10 treatments.

There is no tissue damage, cell damage or downtime following the treatment. The Lipo Laser empties the fat cells causing them to shrink.


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